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Campus Ministries

P: 800-368-3227

Virginia Union University pastors offer spiritual support for our University family. This is done through programming that fosters personal and spiritual formation. University Pastors serve as advisors for organizations with spirtual content and formatting, and are actively engaged in community development, peer mentoring, and cultural exploration. We provide resources and personnel to help guide students into their vocational callings and challenge them to leading with faithful workmanship. 

Organizations on campus include the following:

Bread of Life, Campus Ministries, SENT.


Faith Filled Fridays at 3PM EST, via Instagram

Follow VUU Campus Ministries on Social Media

Union Honor Creed

I am a Virginia Union Panther.
And as such, I will...

Pursue my academic and career goals…

Accept responsibility for all of my actions…

Nurture a climate of care, concern, and civility for others…

Treasure my University’s spiritual and prestigious heritage…

Honor Individual and cultural differences and similarities…

Embrace every opportunity to become an outstanding leader in and around my community…

Respect the dignity, rights and property of all community members…

Seize every occasion to contribute to the safety and well-being of others and myself…