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Frequently Asked Questions

When do gifts count towards my class and what is the goal of the Classes In Reunion?  Gifts received between July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014 will be counted. All gifts count towards your class reunion gift (example: Panther 1000, Choir Robes, etc.). The goal of all the classes is $200,000 with each individual giving $1,000. The participation goal is 10%.

When does the university celebrate the Classes In Reunion?
The univeristy acknowledges the Golden Class during commencement, all other classes are recognized during homecoming.

What are unrestricted gifts and do they count towards my class gift?
Unrestricted gifts are among the most valuable to VUU, because they allow the university to allocate funds wherever the need is greatest, and to take advantage of unique opportunities as they arise. Your unrestricted contribution may be used to support costs associated with financial aid, innovations in teaching, research equipment, facilities, and much more.  Yes, all gifts count towards your class gifts.

What are restricted gifts and do they count towards my class gift?
Restricted gifts allow you to designate your gift to a specific school or program, a support group, or a priority area at the university. When you make a directed gift to VUU, you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a program that is personally meaningful to you (example, choir robe and tour, pre alumni council, etc.) Yes, all gifts count towards your class gifts.

Does the matching gift count toward my class gift?
YES, If you work for a company that matches donations, your gift to VUU can be double. Employees of many parent companies, subsidiaries are also eligible. Retired employees and non-alumni spouses often qualify as well. Simply obtain a matching gift form from Human Resources and follow the instructions for initiating the matching and send the completed form with your gift. For more information, please contact Ms. Deborah Alston, Director of Prospect Research & Gifts Management at 804.342.3938.

Can I make a pledge for my class gift?
Pledges are customarily made payable over a period of time for $1,000 or higher. A pledge form is used to express the chosen payment schedule. Payments on pledges may be tax-deductible in the year made. For more information, please contact Ms. Deborah Alston, Director of Prospect Research & Gifts Management at 804.342.3938.

Can I give my gift On-Line?
YES, you can make a contribution on-line or  automatic bank draft.

Does a planned gift count towards my gift?
YES, you can leave a legacy with a gift that maximizes tax and other financial benefits. Planned giving is a way to invest in Virginia Union University while at the same time receiving income from your investment and/or bequeath cash property. For more information, please contact Institutional Advancement at 804.342.3938.

Can my class have an endowed gift?
YES, a minimum of $25,000 is required to establish an endowment fund account. You can also leave your legacy in the form of an endowment. Endowed funds are the “savings account” to provide funding for such purposes as improving the University’s ability to support innovative academic programs, attracting and retaining outstanding faculty, scholarships for students and enhancing our facilities. New endowments can be named for the donor, in memory or honor of a loved one and, a business or an organization.