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Scholarship Opportunities

P: 804-257-5882  F:804-257-5797  E:

Virginia Union University (VUU) offers a myriad of scholarship opportunities for all students who attend. VUU are dedicated to helping students find ways to fund their education and below are a few ways to start. Click a link below and read about all VUU offer and more. 

Community, Culture, Research Scholarship

  • CCR Scholarship recipients must be one of the following: - US citizens; nationals of the United States as defined in section 101(a) for the Immigration and Nationality Act; - aliens admitted as refugees; or aliens lawfully admitted to the US for permanent residence; Do you certify that you meet one of these requirements? (note: DACA individuals are ineligible unless they meet one of the other requirements. If chosen, applicants must go through a round of interviews, and will be contacted to schedule the interview.) 

Student Research Grants

School of Business

School of Education, Psychology, Interdisciplinary Studies