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Ways to Give

When you make a gift to Virginia Union University, you have tremendous flexibility in determining how the funds will be used, as well as many options for making your gift.  

Learn more about VUU’s Funding Priorities. 

All gifts count towards your class year, providing the information is updated in the system.  Check Locate Your Year to find out what is in the system for you. *if your class has an endowed scholarship that is considered a restricted gift.

Unrestricted gifts  a one-time scholarship in any amount under $25,000.  Chapters choose desired guidelines for recipient.  The name unrestricted scholarship takes the place of book awards, stipends, and any other names given previously to one-time scholarships. Students complete a required application and each chapter should institute guidelines that are strictly followed.  

Restricted gifts allow you to designate your gift to a specific school or program, a support group, or a priority area at the university. When you make a directed gift to VUU, you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a program that is personally meaningful to you. 

Chapter Gifts 
Chapter gifts are counted through individual and group gifts. Please identify if an individual gift also includes a chapter having soft credit for a gift. Hard credit is the entity that gets the tax credit and soft credit is a notation that the gift was made on an organizations behalf, no tax credit giving to the soft credit entity.

Planned Gifts
You can leave a legacy with a gift that maximizes tax and other financial benefits. Planned giving is a way to invest in Virginia Union University while at the same time receiving income from your investment and/or bequeath cash property, etc., through vehicles such as wills, insurance policies, stocks and annuities. 

Endowed Gifts
Endowed Gifts  is money set aside in permanent placement.  Interest from the fund is usually used on an annual basis.  The fund lends security and allows donors to invest in the future of VUU.  The endowment requires a gift of $25,000 or more paid within 5 years.  To further learn the entire process, please contact the Division of Institutional Advancement.

Matching Gifts
If you work for a company that matches donations, your gift to VUU can be double or triple. Employees of many parent companies, subsidiaries are also eligible. Retired employees and non-alumni spouses often qualify as well. Simply obtain a matching gift form from your personnel office and follow the instructions for initiating the matching and send the completed form with your gift. *Matching gifts do not count towards chapter pledges or gifts. 

Pledges are customarily made payable over a period of time. A pledge form is used to express the chosen payment schedule. Payments on pledges may be tax-deductible in the year they were made.

Automatic Bank Draft Gifts
You can make a gift through automatic bank draft.  

You can make a gift through stocks. Click here to learn more.  

For more information contact the Division of Philanthropy and Strategic Development at 804-342-3938.