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Interlibrary Loans

Pearl Adzei-Stonnes, Acquisitions and Interlibrary Loan Librarian

E-mail ILL:
(804) 278-4112

ILL form (electronic form)

Borrowing Policies

  • Interlibrary loan enables library users to borrow materials from other institutions with which Virginia Union University has cooperative agreements.
  • All faculty, staff and currently enrolled students of Virginia Union University may borrow materials through interlibrary loan. (Alumni of Virginia Union University are not eligible for this service.)
  • Patrons are asked to allow at least one week for delivery of items borrowed from Richmond Academic Library Consortium (RALC) libraries, at least two weeks for materials borrowed from other institutions.
  • Patrons are not charged for borrowing materials through interlibrary loan unless the lending institution charges for materials. In that case the patron will be notified and may choose not to pursue the request. If the patron chooses to pay the charge, checks should be made payable to the lending institution.

Lending Policies

  • The VUU ILL department supplies only books or photocopies--no audiovisual materials or microforms will be lent.
  • The VUU ILL department does not charge to lend books, however the charge for periodical articles is $ .10 per page.
  • Books that are requested through ILL may be kept for one month.
  • One request for renewal per book may be granted unless a patron at VUU has requested that item.
  • No books from Archives, Reference or Closed Reserves will be lent. We do not loan materials outside the United States.