Actions to Take to Improve the Reconciliation bill for HBCUs: Washington Update

September 21, 2021

Good evening, VUU

We need your help to improve the reconciliation spending bill. In its current form, the bill disadvantages HBCUs while spending $700 billion on Higher Education. We need you to do the following make it better:

Congress wants to pass this bill, and Rep. Alma Adams is standing up for us, but we have to support her, stand up for ourselves, and show the powers that be that we want the bill to advantage us and not disadvantage. If we do not act now, the institutions that always "have" will get more, and we will not even be left with the crumbs. WE NEED EVERYONE'S SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE!

Lodriguez Murray,
Senior Vice President,
Public Policy and Government Affairs

UNCF (United Negro College Fund)
1805 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001 Direct: (202) 854-0019
Cell: (202) 615-5539 lodriguez.murray@uncf.org