WHAT: Major reports have been released concerning school discipline inequities throughout the U.S. Virginia Union University’s Center for the Study of the Urban Child will host the Urban Child Education Institute and four nationally recognized experts for a serious discussion of the facts, the significant implications for the development of urban children, and suggested policies to address student behavior in a more equitable manner.
WHEN: September 10, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Wall Auditorium, Ellison Hall
Virginia Union University
1500 North Lombardy Street
Richmond, VA 23220
DETAILS: Panelists include: Dr. Venus Evans-Winters, Associate Professor of Education at Illinois State University and author of Teaching Black Girls: Resilience in Urban Classrooms; Dr. Rashard J. Wright, Chief Schools Officer for Virginia Beach City Public Schools and teacher leader and mentor for principals and assistant principals throughout Virginia; Dr. Nicole McZeal Walters, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs for University of St. Thomas with early 20 years of professional educational experience holding teaching, administrative, and consulting positions; and Dr. James L. Moore, III, Distinguished Professor of Urban Education at The Ohio State University, internationally recognized for his work on African American males. Register at www.vuu.edu. $45 registration fee by 8/26/16; $65 after 8/26/16
CONTACT: Dr. Lisa Moon, Director
Center for the Study of the Urban Child
Virginia Union University
(804) 257-5758 or ltmoon@vuu.edu