Virginia Union has launched the Center for the Study of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), making it the only research center of its kind in the country dedicated to focusing on HBCUs. VUU President & CEO Dr. Hakim J. Lucas serves as the Center’s Executive Director and VUU Provost & Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Terrell Strayhorn, serves as its Director.
The Center for the Study of HBCUs is a national research center, whose vision is to become the country’s preeminent institute for the advancement of relevant scholars and scholarship. The Center has a discovery agenda that ranges from foundational inquiry to translational science and disruptive, transformational innovation that ensure the sustainability of Black colleges. Center staff and affiliates conduct rigorous, evidence-based research that aims to advance the research agenda, expand institutional capacities, transform institutions, eradicate institutional inequities, and ensure the future of HBCUs in the nation and beyond. The Center achieves its mission through four (4) primary objectives:
CONDUCT research and scholarship;
CONVENE the HBCU scholarly community and constituents;
MOBILIZE resources in support of advancing HBCU research;
DISSEMINATE research and scholarship broadly.
Learn more about the Center for the Study of HBCUs at