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Vision & Mission

The Johnson A. Edosomwan Center for Evangelism, Mission and Global Christianity at the Virginia Union University Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology will emerge as the premier, multi-denominational, international resource center, and clearing house for the development of knowledge, research, practices, and talent in evangelism, inter- and intra-faith dialogue, and multi-faith investment in social justice, personal and communal transformation.

Academic Programs

Certificate Program: began September 2012 giving persons the opportunity to earn a non-degree, non-credit certificate by completing courses, specifically designed for the certificate, such as: Introduction to the History of Missions and Evangelism, Introduction to World Religions, Thinking Theologically about Global Christianity, Practicum in Mission/Evangelism, and Research and Writing for Mission. Courses will be taught by faculty members of The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology.

Master of Divinity degree with specialization in Evangelism/Mission was launched in September 2013 through the School of Theology. This specialization will strengthen students preparation for and practice of ministry as they equip parishioners for faith sharing and transformational service in the world.

Annual Best Practices Conference

The Best Practices Conference is an annual 1 to 3 day intensive conference that includes worship and presentations led by experts actively engaging in fruitful and effective practices, and serving as transformational leaders and thinkers in diverse disciplines related to missions, evangelism, and global Christianity. The Conference will be offered each year on the third week of May.


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